Touring & Fmty

Tour Schedule   

Special Touring Rate $800/hour, only with deposit! (Original rate is 1K/hour)

Please be advised that modifications may occur based on prior reservations secured by deposits.

For up to date tour dates please click here ➡️

Tour Schedule


The following cities/states are only for Fmty: Salt Lake City, Texas, New York, Pittsburgh, Ohio, Philadelphia, Charleston, Washington DC. 



4 h Fmty/ $5000 + hotel + flight/transportation fee  ​(50% deposit is required, 4 

hours date, has to include some social time: lunch/dinner.) 

10 hr overnight/ $7.000 +hotel + flight/transportation fee  (It has to include some social time: lunch/dinner,  I appreciate 8 hr of uninterrupted sleep.)

24 hr getaway/ $10.000 + hotel + flight/transportation fee  (It has to include some social time: lunch/dinner/shopping, beach etc … I appreciate 8 hr of uninterrupted sleep.)

48 hr weekend/ $17.000 +hotel + flight/transportation fee  (It has to include some social time: lunch/dinner/shopping, beach etc …)   

5 days vacation getaway/ $25.000 +hotel + flight/transportation fee (It has to include some social time: lunch/dinner/shopping, beach etc …)   

 I appreciate 8 hr of uninterrupted sleep.

 I appreciate at least 2 hr of personal time a day to get ready.

Spoil me for our date 🎁🛍 ➡️